Using Natural Aromas to Beat Depressing Smells Away!


(original image: Mouse23)

In summer, it is hot and humid in Tokyo.

Sometimes bad smells reach my nose strongly.

This situation makes me depressed very much...

But I found a solution to this problem last summer!!🤗

Using essential oils of fragrant plants.

Some bottles of them  (that I bought a long time ago) were sleeping on the shelf.

Because I wasn't using them these years.

But they cannot be kept forever without spoiled.

So, I tried to use a few drops of them in the washroom.

After that, relaxing aroma was waiting whenever I walked through the place.

The scent was faint, but it perfectly beats bad smells away.💪

Only such a change made me happy!

At the same time, we might be breathing deeply when we are surrounded with nice aroma.

(On the contrary,  bad smells would make us economize on breaths unconsciously.)

So, it also seems to be good for our body, not only for our mind.😉

(original image: irakudryavtseva)


I love the fragrances of lavender, rosemary, cinnamon leaf, rosewood, and so on.

These essential oils are commonly sold and not expensive in Japan.

I think we can enjoy relaxing time enough without buying high-priced aroma products.

The mixed scent of lavender and cinnamon leaf is my favorite!

It smells like the 'elephant balm' of MEADOWS that I was using before.🥰

(I used to depend on this balm when I needed prompt healing power.)

Recently, I got a small bottle of sandalwood.

And it's aroma is perfectly gorgeous.

I have been fond of the essential oils of cedarwood and pinewood, too.

We cannot forget the power of fragrant woods.



Everyone has the person's own preference.

Also, when we are not fine, we might feel the scent too strong.

It would be important to select the aroma that relaxes us at the time of using it.

By the way, I'm using an essential oil of mint in the lavatory.

(original image: congerdesign)


In summer, I used 3 or 4 drops of spearmint essential oil everyday.

So, the small bottle became empty soon!🥺

But, exactly when I needed a new one, I found 'Hakka Oil' at a shop.

('Hakka' means 'Japanese mint' or 'mint' in Japanese.)

This oil is inexpensive, and can be used in the same way as essential oils.

(A bottle of 20ml costs 500 ~ 600 yen.)

I'm grateful because they are refreshing like other mints, too.🤗

(Written as 'Mentha Oil.')

The essential oil of sandalwood is expensive.

But I found an aroma oil of ART LAB's 'Song of Nature' series by chance.


Aroma oils are not pure essential oils.

So their natural scents might not be enjoyed because of additives.

But this sandalwood aroma oil smelled so nice when I tried at the shop.

I thought this was a pure essential oil without any doubt!😳


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